Research Article

The Munsheat of Ahizade Abdulhalim


Ahizade Abdulhalim who was born in Istanbul in the 17th century is the son of Kazasker Ahizade Mehmet Efendi and elder brother of Sheikh ul-islam Ahizade Hüseyin Efendi. He was educated by one of the then-famous scholars and Sheikh ul-islam Ebuddsuud Efendi. He became Anatolian Kazasker twice and Rumelia Kazasker once. He died in Istanbul in 1604. Having the qualifications such as being Scholar, Kazasker, Prose Writer, Calligrapher, Interpreter, Ahizade is a multi-talented artist. In addition to the works ”Ta'lika ‘al-Hidayah and Some Shuruhiha“, ”Terceme-i Şevahidü'n-Nübüvve“, ”Muhtasarü'd-Dürer ve'l-Gurer“, he also wrote hashiyah for the works ”al-Ashbah ve'n-Nezair“, ”Camiü'l-Füsuleyn“, ”ed-Dürer ve'l-Gurer“ and ”Munshatü'l-Miftah". His work ‘ Munsheat’ was mentioned in different works. This work was found in the fixture number 34 Nk 4290 in Nuruosmaniye Manuscript Library. The munsheats written with a museum style as a field of art display provide us historical and literary information. Being famous with its Nasser, the notable Munsheat of Ahizade Abdulhalim Efendi in terms of style is also important in this respect. In the work, the role Ahizade Abdulhalim Efendi was analyzed in terms of Ottoman Munsheat tradition and the place of the work Munsheat was analyzed in Ottoman Construction tradition.


The Old Turkish Literature Prose Construction Ahizade Abdulhalim Efendi Munsheat