Research Article

The Comparıson Of Pre-Islam And Post-Islam Versıons Of Oghuz Khagan Epıc


Handing down the epics from generation to generation is recognized as a significant part of the oral culture. It is possible to obtain extensive amount of information concerning a nation by means of interpreting the myths of a nation, a religion or a civilization. Oghuz Khagan Epic, on which this study is based, occupies an important place amongst the Turkish Epics. As one of the most important epics, the pre-Islam and post-Islam versions of Oghuz Khagan Epic will be analyzed in this study. Based on the mythological factors in both version of the Oghuz Khagan Epic, the traces of social life, along with the state governance, religion, mentality, similar cultural and religious factors will be sought. Moreover, these two different versions will be compared through a general perspective under the light of such information. The myths and symbols will be analyzed on an individual basis with the objective to identify the details of the language, wording, time and space after being handed down from generation to generation, including the theme and heroes in the preIslam and post-Islam versions of Oghuz Khagan Epic, while, on the other hand, the importance of Oghuz Khagan Epic will be discussed under the light of the information obtained following the comparison process.


Myth Epic Oghuz Khagan Epic