Research Article



Located in the center of the Balkans, the Republic of North Macedonia has hosted many nations and civilizations in history. After declaring its independence in 1991, Greece triggered a years long name dispute followed by an identity crisis with Bulgaria. As soon as the dispute with Greece was resolved in 2020, Bulgaria blocked North Macedonia's path to the European Union. Therefore, these constant problems among its neighbors are directly reflected in the educational process in North Macedonia.The main part of this study, focuses on the educational values reflected in the Tomurcuk magazine. The introductory part gives a brief overview of the Turkish juvenile literature in North Macedonia. Although Turkish juvenile literature in North Macedonia starts with poetry, in the following years, works in other literary genres such as short stories, plays and lullabies were published. As a result, the publishing of a juvenile magazine comes to the fore. Primarily Sevinç (1951), which was later followed by Tomurcuk (1957) are the groundbreaking juvenile magazines published in Turkish language in Skopje. The magazine is consisted of various genres such as: comics, poetry, short stories, essays, crossword puzzles and other texts. These text and articles mainly focused on highlighting the customs and traditions of the Turks living in North Macedonia. Thus, the aim of the magazine is to educate its young readers about the values of their culture. As a result, to this important mission, Tomurcuk magazine does not only hold an important place in the North Macedonian Turkish juvenile literature in terms of content, form and a platform for promotion of new writers, it also has an important task in terms of teaching the values it aims to bring.


Tomurcuk Magazine North Macedonia Turkish Juvenile Literature Values