Research Article



This paper introduces and examines the issue of evaluation along a different perspective. It argues that feedback regarding the teaching, the learning and the materials used is crucial for the ongoing professional development of teachers. It also presents different points of view regarding evaluation such as ones’ cultural awareness, level of acceptance, the issue of judging etc. The fact that others involved in the process are the ones that as so, have a say in what we do, is usually a fact that is not so easily accepted by teachers. It is either not part of the culture, part of our awareness or even part of our daily challenge. However, the level of self-improvement relies on the whole process of evaluation. As so, this paper further elaborates the issue of self-improvement through self-evaluation and student involvement in the process through course evaluation. Participants in the case study are a total of 33 third year students, registered in the course of Program Development at IBU. The instruments used tend to make a balance among the elements of teaching and course evaluation and therefore consist of both elements i.e. the teacher and the students (as the observers) along the semester. Regarding self-evaluation (teaching), two instruments are used: a classroom management profile questionnaire and an observation checklist on the teaching elements (the teaching, material, presentation, feedback and discussions) and in terms of course evaluation an additional two instruments are used: student feedback (The Exit Ticket) and the students’ overall exam scores and results for the course i.e. midterm, final, makeup and upgrade exam are taken into consideration. Overall discussion, limitations and future recommendations are also provided.


evaluation professional development feedback observation cultural awareness etc