Research Article



The "mecmua" that is the subject of our study is a poetry mecmua in the naat genre, written in the first quarter of the 18th century.Mecmuas, a popular genre in Ottoman Turkish literature, especially after the 16th century, are handwritten notebooks consisting of religious or non-religious works in verse or prose collected by a compiler. In Turkish folk literature, it is called cönk. In Turkish literature, religious texts are about religious-mystical subjects, especially God, prophets and religious elders; tevhid, münacat, naat, hilye, mevlid etc. It is written in common types. There are mecmuas divided into a single type: such as naat’s mecmua.The poetry mecmua that is the subject of our study is dedicated to Muhammed. It is a poetic collection of naats consisting of naat, miraciye, hilye, and münacat. In this study, the three-leaf prose section at the end of our poetry mecmua is introduced. The prose part that is the subject of our study is a treatise that we can call medium prose. This section, in which Muhammed’s miracles that occurred due to his physical characteristics and physical limbs are explained, has been transcribed, translated, and analyzed.


Mecmua Naat Mu’cizât