Research Article



Integrating technology in the classroom has become one of the most discussed issues in teaching environments and these days it is inevitable to do so in every level of education, especially in language teaching. In the viewpoint of English instructors, the aim of this paper is to study the effects of video use as an audio and visual material in order to offer and create successful language classes, which will have an impact on students' motivation and participation in English courses at the university level. The development of novel integrated courses that enable students to improve their subject knowledge and master the capacity to use that information on an international level is the major goal of modern language education. This paper first attempts to analyze the goals of integrating video formed lesson plans in EFL classrooms and the advantages of using video formed lesson plans in EFL teaching, on the basis of which are put forward the frameworks of teaching principles, strategies and specific guidelines which facilitate EFL teaching. This will bring combined theories and practice related to the use of audio-visual instruments in language learning, especially in university-level ESP courses, as well as why short videos can be considered effective pedagogical tools that aid the teaching process. The research includes surveys with students’ studies of needs analysis. Videos should fulfill certain requirements, including use of the desired linguistic material, be thematically intriguing, involve multiple viewings for students to clearly understand the text, and also be brief. As with choosing any educational resources, there is a good video and a bad video for language teaching reasons. For educational purposes, a useful video has to include the appropriate linguistic material. In most scenarios, this criterion refers to language that is current, practical, and accurate in a given situation for language courses aiming to expand communicative performance. The goal of this research is to examine and verify the advantages that audio-visual aids do provide language teachers and students when teaching and learning English. According to the research and the data collected in ESP courses, the results indicate a beneficial impact of video use on students’ motivation and participation.


video formed lesson plans language teaching EFL classroom audio – visual tools motivation