Research Article

Factors Affecting the Mastery of English Language Skills Among University Students in Somalia: A Case at Benadir University


The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors influencing the mastery of English language abilities among university students in Hodan district, Somalia, with Benadir University serving as the case study. The study was fully qualitative, with respondents being first-year students engaging in the English proficiency program at Benadir University’s Centre for Languages. Using the saturation principle, the researchers selected a sample of 17 respondents to provide firsthand opinions based on their experiences as students in Somali educational institutions. Findings show that many students have low command of the English language despite efforts to teach them English due to factors emerging from their educational background, learning environment, culture, society, English policy, and teachers. However, the most frequently reported barrier is the influence of Somali, which trumps English not only in class but also in the community. As a result, students are taught English in Somali, and they lack opportunities to practice English because everyone around them speaks Somali. The language of instruction is also not streamlined, as lecturers continue to deliver lectures primarily in Somali, with the exception of a few cases, the majority of which are for international lectures who do not speak Somali. These factors undermine efforts to create equitable and inclusive learning opportunities for Somali students both nationally and internationally. Finally, the researchers recommend a policy review to streamline the language of instruction, monitoring, and regulation. Innovations, such as using Literature to improve English language abilities, should be implemented. Finally, there is a need to embrace teacher refresher workshops, substantial research, sensitization, and international benchmarking for best practices in managing English proficiency programs. These recommendations could create more inclusive and equitable learning environments for Somali students.


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Mastery of English Language Skills University Students English Proficiency Teaching Education Equity and Inclusivity